The Best and Worst Small Dog Breeds for Potty Training

Potty training is a crucial aspect of dog ownership, and it can be a challenging task for new pet parents. While all puppies require training, some small dog breeds are known for being easier to potty train than others. In this article, we'll explore the easiest and hardest small dog breeds to potty train, so you can make an informed decision when choosing your new furry companion.



The Easiest Small Dogs to Potty Train

  • Havanese: Known for their eagerness to please and love for learning new tricks, Havanese dogs tend to pick up potty training more easily than other small breeds.
  • Shiba Inu: Cleanliness comes naturally to Shiba Inus, and they often start learning quickly when given easy access to the outdoors.
  • Bichon Frise: When crate trained, Bichon Frises often pick up potty training rapidly since they don't like to soil their sleeping area. Their gentle, charming, and intelligent nature also contributes to their trainability.
  • Miniature Schnauzer: Schnauzers of all sizes can be fast learners, but Miniature Schnauzers are particularly attentive and reliable. Some may even master potty training within days of coming home.
  • Papillon: Despite their tiny size, Papillons are among the easiest toy breeds to potty train. Their strong bonds with their humans and eagerness to please make the training process smoother.

    These breeds are known for their intelligence, eagerness to please, and adaptability. With consistent training and positive reinforcement, they can be successfully potty trained within a relatively short period. However, it's important to remember that every dog is unique, and accidents may still happen during the training process.



    The Hardest Small Dogs to Potty Train 

  • Pekingese: Due to their stubborn nature, Pekingese may find the basics of potty training somewhat challenging. Owners should provide frequent reinforcement and opportunities for the dog to go outside to ensure success.
  • Pomeranian: Pomeranians are eager to please their owners, but their lively personalities can make potty training a challenge. With patience and consistency, however, they can learn proper potty habits.
  • Pug: A Pug's stubborn streak can make housebreaking difficult, but positive reinforcement and a consistent training approach will eventually lead to success.
  • Yorkshire Terrier: Despite their intelligence, Yorkies can be stubborn, which makes potty training challenging. Their small bladders also require more frequent potty breaks, so owners should be prepared to take them out often.
  • Sealyham Terrier: As an independent and stubborn breed, Sealyham Terriers require a firm and consistent approach to potty training. Owners must be patient and persistent to achieve the desired results.

    These breeds are notorious for being more challenging to potty train due to their stubborn nature and strong desire for companionship. They may resist training and require more patience and consistency from their owners. Additionally, some of these breeds may suffer from separation anxiety, making it harder to establish a consistent potty training routine. 

     Related Post: The Best Low-Maintenance Small Dog Breeds for Busy Pet Owners



    Factors That Contribute to Difficult Potty Training

    • Stubbornness and lack of interest in pleasing their owners

    • Strong desire for human companionship and difficulty being left alone

    • Smaller bladder sizes, requiring more frequent potty breaks

    Tips for Successful Potty Training

    1. Be patient and consistent with your training approach
    2. Use positive reinforcement techniques to encourage good behavior
    3. Establish a regular potty schedule that aligns with your dog's needs
    4. Supervise your dog closely during the training process
    5. Clean up accidents thoroughly to prevent your dog from returning to the same spot

    Related post: The Perfect Small Dog Breeds for Apartment Living


    In conclusion, while some small dog breeds may be easier to potty train than others, success ultimately depends on the dedication and consistency of the owner. By understanding your dog's unique personality and needs, and by implementing a patient and positive training approach, you can help your furry friend learn proper potty habits. Remember, accidents are a normal part of the learning process, so don't get discouraged if progress seems slow at first. With time and effort, your small dog will be a well-trained and beloved member of your family.

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